Why Better Financial Acumen is the Key to Law Firm Success in 2025
From training to technology, uncover the essential steps to futureproof your law firm in a competitive market.

Trump Valet Pleads Not Guilty After Finally Finding A Lawyer
Look to the left, look to the right, if you can't spot the patsy ... it's you.

Prosecutors Sent Trump A Special Valentine’s Motion To Pierce Attorney-Client Privilege Under The Crime-Fraud Exception
To have one lawyer subpoenaed by the grand jury may be regarded as a misfortune; to have two lawyers subpoenaed looks like carelessness. Anything beyond that is probably a crime spree.

Is Trump Hanging Onto Even More Classified Documents? His Lawyers Can’t Say. Or Won’t Anyway.
But maybe Judge Howell is gonna make them an offer they can't refuse.

Remember All Those Times Trump’s Lawyers Swore He Wasn’t Hiding Any More Classified Docs? Ummm, About That …
You knew he was a scorpion when you signed the retainer agreement.

How Lexis’ CounselLink+ Reimagines The Redline
Contracts are now integrated into an end-to-end system, and efficiencies abound.

Trump Lawyer Alina Habba Takes Break From Questionable Lawyering To Issue Warning To Ron DeSantis
The 2024 election already promises to be a doozy.

Trump White House Lawyer Eric Herschmann Called BS On Trump’s Personal Lawyers
That guy ain't about to go to jail for a bunch of dipshits and their cockamie legal theories.

Prosecutors Appeal Order To Hand Over Classified Docs To Trump’s Lawyers On Grounds Of HELL TO THE NO!
How could Trump have a personal interest in government documents? What kind of Chewbacca defense bullshit is this?

Crack Dealers Understand FBI Warrants Better Than Trump’s Crack Team Of Lawyers
Top lawyers know enough to stay away.

Lexis’ CounselLink+™: A One-Stop Shop To Streamline Your Law Department
Recent CounselLink upgrades integrate the full in-house workflow with the broader suite of LexisNexis products.

Trump Lawyers Rant About ‘Assault’ On Mar-A-Lago After FBI Removes Boxes Of Classified Docs
Best defense is a good offense, right?

Trumpworld Goes All In On The Marion Barry Defense After FBI Raid
Spoiler Alert: The bitch did not, in fact, set him up.